Ellipse Curve Cryptography
I overheard my professor talking about ellipse curve cryptography. I tried googling it, but didn't find anything so I implemented it myself.
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from hashlib import sha1
import random
from collections import namedtuple
# Create a simple Point class to represent the affine points.
Point = namedtuple("Point", "x y")
FLAG = b"crypto{????????????????????????????????}" # REMOVE ME
def point_addition(P, Q):
Rx = (P.x*Q.x + D*P.y*Q.y) % p
Ry = (P.x*Q.y + P.y*Q.x) % p
return Point(Rx, Ry)
def scalar_multiplication(P, n):
Q = Point(1, 0)
while n > 0:
if n % 2 == 1:
Q = point_addition(Q, P)
P = point_addition(P, P)
n = n//2
return Q
def gen_keypair():
private = random.randint(1, p-1)
public = scalar_multiplication(G, private)
return (public, private)
def gen_shared_secret(P, d):
return scalar_multiplication(P, d).x
def encrypt_flag(shared_secret: int, flag: bytes):
# Derive AES key from shared secret
key = sha1(str(shared_secret).encode('ascii')).digest()[:16]
# Encrypt flag
iv = os.urandom(16)
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(pad(flag, 16))
# Prepare data to send
data = {}
data['iv'] = iv.hex()
data['encrypted_flag'] = ciphertext.hex()
return data
# ================ #
# Curve parameters #
# ================ #
p = 173754216895752892448109692432341061254596347285717132408796456167143559
D = 529
G = Point(29394812077144852405795385333766317269085018265469771684226884125940148,94108086667844986046802106544375316173742538919949485639896613738390948)
A, n_a = gen_keypair()
B, n_b = gen_keypair()
assert (A.x**2 - D*A.y**2) % p == 1
assert (B.x**2 - D*B.y**2) % p == 1
print(f"Alice's public key: {A}")
print(f"Bob's public key: {B}")
shared_secret = gen_shared_secret(B, n_a)
flag_enc = encrypt_flag(shared_secret, FLAG)
print(f'Encrypted flag: {flag_enc}')
Alice's public key: Point(x=155781055760279718382374741001148850818103179141959728567110540865590463, y=73794785561346677848810778233901832813072697504335306937799336126503714)
Bob's public key: Point(x=171226959585314864221294077932510094779925634276949970785138593200069419, y=54353971839516652938533335476115503436865545966356461292708042305317630)
Encrypted flag: {'iv': '64bc75c8b38017e1397c46f85d4e332b', 'encrypted_flag': '13e4d200708b786d8f7c3bd2dc5de0201f0d7879192e6603d7c5d6b963e1df2943e3ff75f7fda9c30a92171bbbc5acbf'}
This curve is not a Elliptic Curve, but a Hyperbola under mod p. The curve equation is x ^2 - D*y^2 = 1 (mod p)
. The curve can be represented as:
If we observe the curve we can see patterns like this:
Flag after running the program is crypto{c0n1c_s3ct10n5_4r3_f1n1t3_gr0up5}